Sunday, April 13, 2014

Getting Ready for Grad School

Happy Sunday!

This week has been one of those terrible weeks that never seem to end. But, now that I have survived (mostly) unscathed, I feel like I will be prepared when my time for graduate school comes.
Monday: I had a social work internship interview (which went well; they offered me the position!). I also had a Spanish Composition Exam due (got an A!).

Tuesday: I had a test, a quiz, a short paper, and a group project due. The test did not go as well as it could; the three concepts I did not know very well made up a large portion of the test compared to the other two dozen concepts (Quick update since yesterday: I made a B on the test! I do not think I have ever been so excited for a B in my entire life). Because I studied so much for the test, I was not as well prepared as I normally am for quizzes (still no grade). Fortunately, the paper went well and out group presentation was moved to next week (unfortunately, it was because a group member had an emergency).

Wednesday: Only one test (which I got an A on, making up for the previous not so great test in the other class). And I taught two research assistants how to take over a study I had been conducting so I can begin running participants for my thesis. Honestly, while teaching the other students how to do the study, I felt very maternal and protective of it. I have been running the study largely on my own for the last year and a half; however, in the past couple of months, I have not had enough time to continue working on it.

Thursday: Thankfully, nothing was due and my mom said I could buy a floral dress I had my eye on for a few weeks. The best part of the day was that we had a fascinating guest lecturer in one of my classes. I also attended the BSW picnic and won an award for winning an award (I received a research grant this year and this award was to congratulate me for getting the grant)!
Friday: I had a Spanish Exam (also earning an A).

Saturday and today: Yesterday, I walked a 5k with my boyfriend to support the Fayetteville Freedom Movement and Tiny Hands International; other than that, I am doing as little as possible because relaxing is a beautiful thing. I even decided to share with you these photos I took last week before everything became so busy.

This picture is from Grey Dog's Instagram:

I hope your coming week can be relaxing!

Rachel Cathleen

In this outfit: Shirt: thrifted from Hope's Door; Vest: hand-me-down from my dad; Shorts: thrifted from Goodwill; Socks- Walmart? Target? Kohl's? (I have no idea where I got these socks, but I would never recommend them, they are too thin so I got blisters); Shoes: thrifted from Goodwill. Bonus dress: Grey Dog Vintage Boutique.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Interview Appropriate?

Good evening!

Two posts in one week? How unusual. But this post is super important and I would love to have your opinion. Next Monday, I have a social work internship interview and I have to plan what to wear. The internship will be at a hospital (and it is an interview), so I want to look professional. With that being said, if I washed/ironed this outfit (and put on make-up/styled my hair), would this outfit be appropriate? Please note, the blue in this dress is not nearly as bright as two of the pictures make it look (it is more navy than cobalt) and the black on top is a lace (my computer camera (ok, and my ability to model) is not awesome). (P.S.- I have no idea if I can use double parentheses in English like I can in math; c'est la vie.)

Dress; Similar Shirt

Again. thank you for any and all opinions!
Rachel Cathleen

Thursday, April 3, 2014


Good morning.

I would just like to apologize for being absent lately and then go ahead and apologize for being frequently absent until mid-May. I have reasons (I prefer not to think of them as excuses) for being absent from the blogging world. First, my parents were here a lot recently with Mom's Day for my sorority and then my door falling apart so my dad was here for essentially two weeks to get it replaced. I also went with my boyfriend and friend to visit relatives who live only a couple hours away, which I am glad we did because my uncle is now in the hospital. And then my dog that I have had since I was 7 years old died. And now I have three tests and a group presentation due next week with finals following right around the corner. On a positive note, good things have taken up my time as well. My thesis experiment should be up and running to be piloted next week, I had a relaxing spring break where I finally finished a painting for my boyfriend's birthday (it was last August), my little brother got his eagle scout award, and I have an interview next week for a fall internship. Being busy is my way of life, which just makes it hard to make full blown posts, but I will try to get at least a few short posts up whenever I have an extra moment to breathe.

Until then, I hope you can forgive me.
Rachel Cathleen

Mom and I cannot take selfies.
I wanted to go to a Northwest Arkansas Fashion Week event, we got all dressed up, trounced through the snow, and we discovered being 21 would have been important. But at least we got a picture.

My younger brother's band concert. He is the tall one in the back.

Me standing on my parents' bathtub trying to get a #ootd picture.

My finished painting. The stars are in the pattern of the stars above our dorm the day we started dating and the clouds are styled like the ones at the end of "Toy Story 3."

My brother's accomplishments.

He did not want a photo with his face-cake, so I took several and am posting one here.

My brothers and me. For what it is worth, I am above average height for a woman, they are just more insanely tall (older brother 6'2", younger brother 6'5").

Our whole family.

Me and my dog.

The last picture before he had to be put down. Jigger, I hope you can keep chasing tennis balls in Heaven.